By: Leslie Edmundson
Reprinted from The Livestock Conservancy newsletter, Sept/Oct 2009.
Leslie still breeds San Clemente Island and Spanish goats, and directs both breed associations.
Last summer, I was sitting on my front porch,
honored by the company of some real animal experts. As I am a ‘backyard’ goat
breeder with only five acres, it didn’t take long before my small herd of San
Clemente Island goats paraded by, the first few coming to check out the
visitors, the rest just following the leaders of the herd.

It was then that I really understood the
impact that an expert can have on a novice breeder. And it was also then that I
understood the impact that a stubborn novice breeder can have on a breed.
Believe it or not, both can be good.
I have been fortunate enough to work with
breeders of two breeds of goats. Both breeds are of Spanish origin, but San
Clemente Island goats (population 600) were stuck on an island for a while, and
are therefore genetically very different from their landrace cousins, Spanish
goats (population 12,000). (note: since this article was published, DNA testing showed that San Clemente Island goats were not of Spanish origin, to everyone's surprise!)
Spanish goats are a hardy breed that survived
for 500 years without vets or shelter. Most of them still do. They used to be
America’s meat goat until Boer goats arrived in the 1990’s and most ranchers
ditched their Spanish to get Boers. Boers are very showy and muscle-bound. As a
well-fed, show ring goat, a Boer can be bigger than life. Spanish have a more
‘rangy’ look. The sudden popularity of Boers is why Spanish almost went
extinct. Most Boers are enormous. Most Spanish are not. It’s like comparing
elephants to tigers.
However, it turns out that most Boers are fed
a lot (hence the steroid look) and often need support to survive worms or raise
kids. (Spanish have no trouble with these things.) Most Spanish are free-ranging,
and therefore cheaper to keep and not as fat. Also, it seems that Spanish just
hold muscle differently; just as heritage-breed chickens might look a little
small but have a lot more to them than modern breeds.
Dr. Richard Browning (Tennessee State
University) recently confirmed what many have suspected for years: he found
that if they’re raised on the basic farm forage, Spanish goats are meatier than
Boers, but they just carry it differently. Spanish may look a bit rangy, but
they’re meaty as heck. Raise them in the same field with the same food, and
there’s more meat on a Spanish goat than on a Boer. But when similarly-raised
goats are bought by slaughterhouses, they are still graded according to
looks—Boer hefty-forefront wins, Spanish long-body loses. Beauty is in the eye
of the beholder: slaughterhouses end up paying more for less, judged on looks
But from this small snippet of learning comes
a more difficult challenge: ALBC (now The Livestock Conservancy!) wants to focus on Master Breeding, but what
exactly should a Master Breeder be looking for?
If a Master Breeder were to look for what end-buyers are currently
looking for, we’d all have abandoned the heritage Spanish and we’d be stuck
with the predominantly non-hardy modern alternative, with less meat for the money.
Both buyers and Master Breeders use their eyes. How is it that they see so
differently from each other?
Let’s digress to San Clemente Island goats.
Once again, we have a breed that survived alone without a vet or breeder for
half a millennium or so. Stuck on an island with no water for a few months out
of every year, the removed goats had the prickly-pear cactus scars to prove
their desire to survive. With a new record mainland total of 400 goats
globally (2009), and a portion of those in Canada with no hope of border-crossing, the
ability of breeders to keep the genetic diversity going is pretty slim. But San
Clemente Island goat breeders are meeting with success.
What do San Clemente Island goat breeders
breed for? More than just survival, they do in fact breed for other things.
Very diverse things. Some breeders focus on dairy abilities, some on meat
potential, some on color, some on horns. Some breeders do not tolerate worms,
some never heard of mineral salts in 20 years of breeding. Some will raise a weak
kid in the kitchen, some will let a weak kid die in the field. The population
is extremely limited, but with every new birth still comes the necessary and
individual decision: keep, sell, or cull.
Every San Clemente Island goat breeder is
encouraged to set strong breeding goals and strategies, but every breeder must
decide his own goals for himself. So far, the group is so eclectic that the mix
strongly fosters genetic diversity. There are no Master Breeders for San
Clemente Island goats; there are no ‘best’ herds. There is no ‘perfect’ San
Clemente Island goat in any breeder’s eye that would necessarily appeal to the
eye of another breeder. Yet they will survive.
Spanish goats face some of the same type of
variance, but there is a little less variance and much larger herds. Some
breeders breed for cashmere, some breed it out. Some go for large size, some
prefer a smaller goat for their particular range. Some like varied colors, some
prefer uniformity. As Spanish goats became more rare in the 1990’s, breeders
became more isolated, and we ended up with a variety of strains. Varied strains
are a great thing. They are the genetically-diverse gene pool that we are
conserving for our future needs. And we already need them.
So where do Master Breeders fit into this?
When you learn from a Master Breeder, be
prepared to learn about soundness. You can learn about strengths that are
particular to your heritage-breed animal, and how to spot an animal’s potential
for weakness. Does a wide horn-spread indicate growth potential, or does a
hen’s skin color indicate laying ability in your
breed? Your Master Breeder can point out things that perhaps you hadn’t thought
about. After all, they’ve known the breed for years. They understand the
animals in question, and can see how your herd can reach its full potential.
Although some Master Breeders are just ‘naturals’ who learned just from a few
decades of close attention to their flock, more often they learned it from
generations of raising one particular breed. Their selection strategies are not
mainstream, they’re streamlined to your type of endangered livestock.
However, your Master Breeder is not
necessarily selecting for the same things that you are. If we all breed for the
same traits, we will reduce the genetic diversity of our livestock. We would
all end up with one strain, managed in the same way, bred for the same
particular attributes. You can learn a lot from a Master Breeder, but it’s
alright to walk away with many of your own and different goals intact. That’s
what strains are all about. Genetic diversity relies on your ability to keep
your great livestock going, and to go against fashion sometimes. Your Master
Breeders did that: that’s why they maintained a heritage breed in the first
place. They want you to learn, but they want you to learn as an individual
breeder seeking new skills, not as a follower of fashion. Form your own
breeding objectives, communicate your needs, and a truly great breeder will
help you accomplish your conservation goals.
So what if my junior buck is as dumb as a box
of rocks?
When I turn on my truck's ignition, my goats have three seconds to get out of the way with babies intact. Any goat not answering to its name does not get checked regularly for worms. Every goat has to learn about toxic plants the hard way. And unless a buck is quick-witted, he'll never get past my clever senior buck to get the opportunity to breed.
“So?” So maybe the Goat Expert recognized
that. If my junior buck doesn’t live up to my particular breeding program, he’ll
probably cull himself. My methods and objectives may not be popular, but that’s
just the way we breed them here. And my herd will survive.
thanks to Dr. Richard Browning, who has contributed greatly to the renewed popularity
and conservation of Spanish goats just by focusing research efforts on the
comparative performance of different goat breeds.
For more information about Spanish goats,
contact: Spanish Goat Association, 3037 Halfway Rd, The Plains, VA 20198,,
For more information about San Clemente
Island goats, contact: San Clemente
Island Goat Association, 3037 Halfway Rd, The Plains, VA 20198,,